Vision ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ

Domain-Driven Design to be considered a first-class option for every technologist when facing software development and design.ย  A mindset that cares about the domain instead of being driven by technology.

Mission ๐ŸŽ’

Anyone interested in DDD no matter the level of experience could have a place to learn, ask questions, experiment, network, discuss, share knowledge and experiences, exchange opinions and viewpoints and be encouraged and empowered to give a talk, conduct a live coding session, instruct or facilitate a workshop or propose an open discussion in whatever DDD related topic.ย 

Objectives ๐ŸŽฏ

Friends/Supporters ๐Ÿ˜Š

Swag and discounts for DDDEU workshops, trainings and conferences.ย 

XarxEsCat (Catalan Network of Software Engineers) by GESSI
(2019-2022, initiative discontinued)

Collaboration to disseminate DDD at Barcelona but also in Catalonia with the aim to bridge the gap between the industry and academia.ย 

Discount coupons for the EventStorming and Domain-Driven Design courses.

Free tickets and promotional codes for their events.

Discounts for courses and workshops.

GSAS (Global Software Architecture Summit)

Discounts for the GSAS conference.

In a monthly DDD Meetup, 2 monthly free subscriptions to CodelyTV Pro.ย 

Discounts for the Build Stuff Conference and a few free tickets.