Content ๐Ÿ“‚๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ


Coming next โณ

The upcoming activity on Meetup.

History ๐Ÿ“œ

The past activity on Meetup.

Call For Proposals (CFP)

Send your Call For Proposal (CFP) at or a direct message (DM) to @dddbcn, @dsolemorera or contacting the organiser usingย  Meetup.


To any DDD related topic, would you like to...

2. Workshop (practical/hands-on)


Domain expert:



3. Panel/Open discussion, questions & answers (Q&A) or fishbowl conversations

- Do you have any DDD related question you do not know how to address?

- Would you like to propose a discussion about an available recorded talk in a previous conference or about some specific chapters or pages of a DDD book?

Send us your proposals filling out this form:

4. Talk

1. Some examples of a talk might be:

- Introduction to DDD: what it is, when to apply it, strategic design, tactical design

- Your experience applying DDD in a project

- Microservices and Bounded Context

- Domain Modelling

- Domain Storytelling

- Event Storming

- How to determine aggregates?

- When and why apply CQRS?

- {hexagonal / onion / ports & adapters} architecture within DDD

- When to use Event Sourcing?

- Refactoring legacy code with a DDD approach

- Functional programming and DDD

2. The following are the types of talk duration to fit in:

- Mini talk: 5 up to 15 minutes

- Small talk: 15 up to 25 minutes

- Medium talk: 25 up to 35 minutes

- Long talk: 35 up to 50 minutes

- Hero talk: 50 up to 90 minutes

Mini and small talks are your option if:

- It is your first talk.

- You would like to explain your solution addressing a problem with DDD.

- You would like to talk about a really specific DDD aspect.

At the end of each talk 5-10 minutes for questions if any are kept.ย